The Juhi Ash Center

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How an Ayurvedic Cleanse can help fight Seasonal Allergies

Everything in life is Balance

In Ayurveda, the severity of allergies is caused by the severity of a person's Dosha imbalances. Doshas are the three life forces present in each of us: Kapha, Pitta, and Vata. Each season presents different allergies as a result of the off-kilter Dosha affected in specific seasons: Pitta/summertime, Vata/fall-winter, and Kapha/spring. Springtime allergies are the result of too much cold, heavy, and dense Kapha in the body. (Thank you, winter.) Let’s focus on spring. As you know, focusing on the moment is always a good thing.

Try and Ayurvedic Gentle Cleanse

While you’re spring cleaning your home, doesn’t it make sense to spring clean yourself? A spring Ayurvedic cleanse, however, is not one-size-fits-all. You will need to know your unique constitution to create the bouquet that suits you. Seek the advice of an Ayurvedic Specialist at our Center. A full detox isn’t the only path, a simpler path to follow would be to eat cleansing foods exclusively for a week or so (like chickpeas, dandelion greens, okra, quinoa, and others). Learn more about Ayurveda & your Dosha